Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unidentified Falling Object (UFO) in Edinburgh

Am in the Gothic and historical town/ city of Edinburgh now. Got me all the request for souvenirs ready today. It gets dark pretty early in winter. Started to get dark at around 4pm. It felt like 10pm when it was only 5pm.

While we were walking at Caldon Hill, Gale & I saw something we couldn't explain today. The afternoon sky lighted up by an Unidentified Falling Object (UFO)<-- What do you know it's still the same abbreviations for Unidentified Flying Object. I think i got it on video- but maybe just for a few seconds and before i got to focus it, my camera went dead (no UFO magic there, it was running low on battery before that).

Anyway, the thing was dropping from the sky at high speed and it's huge eventhough it was far away. We wonder if we were the only one who saw it. We don't know what it was. We were thinking that it is unusual to be seeing comets during the day. I can't get any pictures uploaded here since i didn't bring the cord. Then it got us thinking about the safety of our family back home. And me the 2012.


On a different note, I felt like i am experiencing one of my fantasy while we were walking in Caldon Hill today. The view was amazing- on the one side i could see the snow covered volcanic mounted- on the other side is the Gothic architecture of Edinburgh. Everywhere i look, the scenary could easily be taken out of a postcard pic. And it kicks me back to reality when i thought of going back to my job back home. I'm trying to enjoy every single minute of my time here and there, coz i know that i'll be ironing out some of the creases i created back home by taking this trip.


Next, Bristol...

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