Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Betty’s Midwest Kitchen (America On A Plate)- Sunway

Heard a friend of mine SY raved about this restaurant for a very long time. SY, LP and I went there one time after coming back from Penang but it was closed at 3pm. It is located on the same road as Wong Poh Crab in Sunway. So we tried again yesterday for lunch. It was packed but we still managed to find us a seat. SY ordered the Ham & Mushroom Soup RM10.00, Bacon Tomato Spaghetti RM15.00, Country Fried Chicken RM15.00, Hot Coffee RM4.50 and Ice Lemon Tea RM4.30. Plus a 10% service charge it totaled up to RM53.70.

I didn't take any pictures of the food but here's the interior. So many people are blogging these days. So, check out their site for the food.

The Kitchen Area

Betty's Kitchen Sdn Bhd

A-G-40 Jalan LJU 1/43,

Aman Suria Damansara,

47301 Petaling Jaya.

Tel/Fax: 03-7880 0196

The friend- SY
 When they recommended the Soup of The Day Mushroom Soup, I thought that it's the standard Campbell soup- white and powdery- well you get what I mean. It turned out to be watery, with mushrooms, lots of carrots but with a Campbell soup like smell. Makes me wonder how they managed to get that smell in there with all those other ingredients. * Still wondering*. Try it if you like carrot. I am not a carrot lover. So, it's not for me. I didn't like the little sweet taste too. The Country Fried Chicken is worth a try. The sauce made the crunchy fried chicken nice <--  Nice?! Not a food critic's choice of word!! That's because I'm not. The chefs/ food critics of Junior Master Chef definitely have a better description than nice!

The gravy did remind me of the Western Cowboy Restaurant (Not even sure if this is the correct name) at Desa Petaling. They have more food and beverage choices there. They have that kind of gravy and you can have it on your fish, chicken chop, pork chop and whatever chop they have. I think it's called Marmalade Fish/Chicken/Lamb/Pork there. I preferred it on my fish. Me<-- not much of a meat eater. Tried it on my chicken chop once, don't like it. I have been persuading my colleagues to go there with me but we just couldn't find the time and patience to go through heavy traffic jams for it when it opens at 6pm.

Guilty- Gucci

On my recent trip to England, I stopped by Lilly's (my cousin's on my father's side) house in Bristol. I practically travelled from Newcastle (North-near Edinburgh) all the way to Bristol (South- near Wales) on a train in a bad snowy weather. Lilly bought me the Gucci Guilty (£47 ish) perfume along with PapaRoach's Dunhill London (£30+) perfume with a 15% discount from Debenhams on my last day in Bristol.

I actually wanted the DKNY Be Delicious perfume but Lilly kept saying in her English slang "No, no, take the Gucci, take the Gucci". So, I got the Gucci.

Figure 1: Guilty by Gucci
Here goes. The locally "approved" version of the perfume ad shown on our local tv channel left me all confused and thinks "What a crappy commercial for Gucci standard". With Evan Rachel Wood driving a car in Paris and getting out off the car and staring lustily and daydreaming at something and CUT! That's it!

"?? That's it?? What the..??"

I finally get it after watching the complete commercial while I was there. And since I like True Blood so much, I really tried hard to make me love or at least like the scent. I even sprayed it on me before I went to bed to unconsciously hypnotize myself to liking the perfume. I don't want to seem ungrateful. I tried. "My Women Stuff" said that it is better suited for a night out. So I tried it again on Valentine's Night dinner with the Pangs wearing my oversize t-shirt with huge red heart in front. I don't mean to be dramatic but I almost threw up in the car on the way over. No help with the car being so bouncy (double cabin). I just wanted to roll the window down and I think that Pangko even developed runny nose due to the strong smell. Even cousin Una commented on the scent and not in a good way. Maybe I didn't wear a sexier outfit but that is it. Enough of my experiments. It has to go!!

I don't know how to describe the scent. Is it musky? All I know is that it is too strong and I'm already thinking of posting it to MamaRoach. I've mentioned the perfume to her during Chinese New Year and she said that she'll take it off of my hands. Problem solved and befitting that both MamaRoach and PapaRoach got a perfume each from cousin Lilly.

The bottle itself is a shocking gold. It might look elegant and expensive, but I left a lot of unsightly fingerprints all over the gold colored bottle. If I ever was going to be framed as a murderer, the bottle will be an excellent evidence to be planted in the crime scene to convict me. And the bottle will point at me and scream "GUILTY!!!" I had to remember to wipe off all the prints before posting it over to MamaRoach.

Flight Of Fancy- Anna Sui

It seemed like I have a different taste on perfume preferences with "My Women Stuffs" reviewer.

I have no qualms about the plastic lid. I am only afraid of accidentally breaking it. The box, well I like the box and I only threw it away a few days ago after watching a South Park Season 14 episode on hoarder<--disease. Yes, I kept the pretty yellow box for a few years before throwing it away and now I'm a little mad at myself that I can't show you the pretty box. Well, just google it!

Figure 1: Flight of Fancy- Anna Sui
As for me I love the Flight of Fancy scent by Anna Sui. I got it at the airport after coming back from somewhere with a friend of mine a few years back. I remembered it being RM140.00. I love the girly smell of the perfume. I never like sweet smelling perfume before because I think that it is too girly and stings my nose. It might seem like a strong perfume when you first sprayed it on you (wrong way of wearing perfume, but who cares -I want it on me longer). G even said that she's nauseated with the perfume smell when we were on our way to dinner at Sushi Zanmai with her ex- Nyso colleague when she came to visit with her then Monkey. I probably will be the first one to complaint about strong perfume. But I like it. Though it is right on about the scent being gone too soon :).

Give it a benefit of a doubt, go on to Sasa and try and check it out. You might love it like I do!

If you don't, then you'll probably like Gucci Guilty!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hada Labo Trial Kit

I have frequently been told to use more hydrating product for my skin by my beauty consultant. So, I bought the Hada Labo trial kit RM34.90 (limited edition) from Watson Carrefour Puchong Utama on the same day that I bought the Blooming of Beauty Sunflower mask. It was stated that it has Super Hyaluronic Acid in the entire product. Hyaluronic Acid is said to be the component that holds the collagen in our skin together<-- First time i heard of this is from Cousin Connie.

The trial kit consists of a:-
Hada Labo Trial Kit

  1. make up remover (not oily, more like gel lubricants-spread all over face and rinse with water)
  2. face wash (works like normal face wash)
  3. toner (spread on palm and to pat on face until it dries up)
  4. moisturizer (spread on palm and to pat on face until it dries up)
I found that the product especially the toner and moisturizer to be very moisturizing on the 1st night. During day time, I went out with just the toner and moisturizer and it didn't seem as moisturizing as before. But it was probably because I didn't put enough on. Plus it was very hot and dry outside as compared to night time application.

But I will try these again alternatively with my Clinique gel moisturizer.

Astro Max to Astro Beyond

My Astro Max was displaying a "Your Card has expired. Please contact Astro" message on Thursday night. So I called up Astro customer service after a few long minutes and a couple of disconnected line, I was connected to a real person and was told that I have a technical problem. So I was transferred to the technical depertment line. Apparently they don't work at night. So I called the technical department again the next morning and after listening to recorded messages on the general way to fix a technical problem. I was transferred to a real person. I was told that I have been informed previously that I need to change my Astro Max to the new Astro Beyond. I told the lady that I wasn't told that I would not be able to view my Astro Max if I don't change to Astro Beyond. The letter that I have received only said that if I prefer to change to Astro beyond, I will not be imposed with any installation fees. The lady continued telling me that I have to change to Beyond and the additional fees for the PVR will be waived for the first 2 years when I asked her about the additional chargers. Then she told me that the PVR (Personal- Video- Recorder) will be activated by the Astro installer on the spot and my request will be entertain after 48hrs of her submitting my request. So far I have missed NCIS Season 8 and American Idol Season 8 and I am about to miss out on So You Think You Can Dance Season 7!!! All my previously recorded series in My Astro Max could not be retrieved!! I am really hoping that I will be able to watch Astro by this week.

Blooming Of Beauty (我的美丽日记)

Blooming of Beauty- Sunflower
Found out about this from friends of mine during our yearly Chinese New Year gathering. Apparently, it was very famous in Taiwan. I went to the Watson store in IOI mall, but they don't have this there. So I bought this for RM29.90 (5 pieces) at Watson Carrefour Puchong Utama. Enough for 1 months of supply if I use the Skin Food Rice washed off mask alternatively with the Blooming of Beauty mask (to be rubbed in after 20-30minutes).

I got the sunflower mask which is for Dry and Sensitive Skin. They have other types of flower for other types of skin problem. Visit this site for more info ( Fingers crossed that my skin will be hydrated and healthy.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Ranau- Last 2 days

I can't believe that i only have 2 days left here in Ranau!!!!!

It's like i'm a little bummed out that i only took a week off work.
I haven't even settled anything on the PTPTN student loan papers. Aargh...!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cold in Ranau

The 1st night spent in Ranau, I slept with 2 blankets with no a/c or fan on. It was THAT cold!
Mom said that it has been a while since they see the sun come out.

I saw Chris (Cousin Lilly's son) in Nam Hong on the 1st day i had breakfast there, but we never uttered a single word to each other. Patrick was busy making fun of my Liverpool jersy and Chris' Arsenal jersey. I had no choice in the wardrobe department, i don't have enough t-shirt to wear. I did went over and shook their hands. It felt so awkward.

OK and i have to admit that Wai (3rd Bro's) fiance is really pretty and funny at times. I'm still a little uncomfortable around her though..*sigh*..