I will be going to Penang this Hari Raya Haji holiday which conveniently falls on the weekend (Monday will be another day off). This time it is not for a friend's wedding. This time it is with my colleagues. Not all of them of course.
I am a little excited about it 'coz this time it's with a different group of people :)
What's new with me.
Well, my project of a paint factory is basically completed, except for some variation order work.
Now i have another small project in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan which is just around the corner from the huge bundle market. I used to follow my cousins and went there to buy cheap clothes (for them, not me).
Now i only catch up on TV shows on the weekend. I don't really watch it anymore.
Not even my pc.
Now i am on my 3rd book of George R.R. Martin.-
A Storm of Sword.
Book Three: A Song of Ice and Fire (book series)
I love them. Just wish i have someone to discuss it with because i have a few questions that i need answers. i can read till 2am! With the little screen of my iphone.
I have also been frequenting beauty parlors to do my facials. And i think it shows! I've got a few positives comments from colleagues and friends. On my recent trip back to KK, my uncle even asked me if i had Botox done!!??... huh..?
Everytime i went to do my facials, these people keep persuading me to buy their product. And i have managed to fend them off. I kept reminding myself that i have my Japan trip next year and i need to save money!! MORE MONEY!!.