Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Last sunday night, the house almost burnt down.
I was in my room watching some tv series on my pc when i smelt burnt plastic. I thought that it was coming out of my CPU. I sniffed around but the smell was not as strong there. I remembered last time when my cousin was boiling water with a kettle on a stove and we went out for dinner and she forgot to turn off the gas. Luckily we got back in time. The plastic on the kettle handle all but melted off. And the water was completely dry.

So, I dressed decently and open my room door. I stopped short on the first landing of the staircase looking down on the dark smoke at the ground floor. It was really scary. I can't see the first five steps to the stairs. I called out to my cousin twice while I was going up a step and down a step, contemplating on braving the smoke and just turn on the lights and ceiling fan to clear the smoke. My imagination ran wild that if I go down, i will see that the whole downstairs is on fire and there's nothing i can do about it.
My cousin is still not coming out of her room. So i carefully ran down and look over to the altar, IT WAS ON FIRE!!

I ran pass the altar to get to the kitchen and somehow managed to actually made out a proper sentence and shouted 'THE ALTAR IS ON FIRE!!'.. The fire even dripped to the tiled floor. Luckily there was nothing beneath and no electrical stuff nearby. I ran to the sink and saw a small cup. I filled it with water, feeling ridiculous. As i turn around with the water, I saw my cousin in the bathroom filling up water in a much bigger container. I dropped my cup and saw my in law running in to the kitchen saying 'Do not panic.. Do not panic..'.

He took the container and stood on a stool and started to rinse the altar with water.
The ash is the worst. I just changed the cover to my mattress and pillows and even with the door closed, the ashes still managed to get it and darkened everything. I can actually see it floating effortlessly.

Our hair, skin, feet, the furniture and not to mentioned the floors was blackened by the floating ashes. My cousin and her husband cleaned all night. I went up and shower once more. My hair was really stiff, my nostril is all black with ash.

My hand was actually shaking after the small fire. The rooms were filled with smoke and my room only cleared when i turned on the a/c.


Abby said...

wah.. why p upstairs while the 'hiong' still burning? dangerous... em. which reminds me.. i also need to get a fire extinguisher

Abet said...

Tu la.. Before that i asked her d, why late at night only do it.. ? She said there r no time limit to praying.. Skarang pun masih lg cam tu, tp pakai tu lilin yg hard liquid base in glass container..