Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fortress of Solitude- Missing

What would you do if the place you considered home for almost 6 years is no longer a tranquil and welcoming place? Feeling like an intruder more and more each day.

I used to be able to do almost anything at home without having to bother about, is there someone in the bathroom, if there isn’t anybody in there why is the light still on? Why is the door locked? I’m almost late to get ready for work and the door is still locked. I had to go out of my room to see that they have left their room door open for me to go into their room and to the bathroom and use it. Why is there hair in the sink? Why is the toothbrush and toothpaste wedge between the tap and the wall? I can’t turn the tap with ease.
Why is the rag not hung to dry properly? It’s all twisted set on the tray with the rest of the products. 

Can I use the bathroom now or the others would want to use it when I was using it.

Can I use the washing machine now? Can I hang my clothes to dry today?

They ate my food and drink my drinks. Fine, I resorted to storing some food in a container in my room now. 
But I can’t use the fridge anymore and that’s where I put my Vitagen/ Yogurt drinks/ Chocolate milk.

I could not find the solitude that I seek after a hurricane pace day at work. The time when I use to be able to sleep soundly interrupted with banging of doors, hinges on door being latched on, talking voices almost to a point of shouting, lights turned on, smells of food prepared in the morning. Some of these may seem miniscule but to me it amplifies whenever I am on verge of sleep and wakefulness.  

My heart races when it is suppose to be calm and dreaming instead of anticipating when the next time when the hinges latched and the door banged shut and again when the latch unhinges.

I have done what I can on the hair on the floor trap and clumps of hair stick to the wall. And thank goodness that they left the wall all alone. They still left some hair on the sink and on the floor trap. But I can turn a blind eye on that.

I never had this problem living in the same room as LP for 4 years! Why is it so hard now?! We only shared bathroom.

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