Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Love & Life

I found out a few things that is very troubling today...~~ and i connected it with a few related things that is bringing me down..~

1) I owe my colleague RM1800 for my minutes online at Taipei...which i intend to pay up if that is really the   sum...

2) The guy that i like has a girlfriend just like i've been dreading...which is why i thought that this might be the time to move on and give up on all the searching.. yeah..!! like i've ever been searching right..*roll eyes*..

3) The guy that i used to like is getting married on the same day that the guy that used to like me... & i was invited to both events...~ sucks... it might be Karma.. but haven't paid enough dues already...~??

I probably should go to site just to get my mind off this.. but i can't go anywhere without seeing or being reminded of these stuff...

Only thing i'm looking forward to is meeting up with Grace & Kang later tonight for dinner.~~ :)


Abby said...

heh.. yeah.. karma lar tu kira.. btw.. kirim salam sama Grace and Kang..

Bren said...

oh dear.. it's sure isn't easy to face them.. so are you attending any of the occasions? :P

Anyways.. i'm sure your mr right will appear soon and who knows, he's actualy just the guy next door.. :) whom you haven't really noticed...

Hope your outing with Kang and Grace has somewhat cheered u up :)

Abet said...

Gale: Grace, Kang & myself semua going back to Sabah around the same time next month.. eheh...

Will meet up with them again this weekend for 'Gin Rummy'..haha..gambling..~~

Brenda: What occasions..?

Maybe there is no Mr. Right & Wrong..~ who knows... maybe there isn't one person out there that is meant only for the other person..~

Maybe..i'm not destined to get married & settle down...

I should start planning ahead since i have nothing holding me back..~~

Abet said...

Brenda: oo.. occasions.. as in the weddings....

Yeah... i'll be going to the one in Kedah... since the guy asked us to go since last December... Gale's not going...:(...

Anyway, the other guy told me just a few weeks ago.. which will be held in Sabah...

I'm already going back in November for Grace's wedding...

So, i'll be going to Singapore for X'mas.. ehhe.. kan Gale...?

SiGracy said...

@Gale: kumsalam he he he....;)

@Mysweetkitchen: bren o bren...he he he..buli gumuk tingu ur blog...ari ari oso drooling dis

@Bet: sometimes...when u least expect it, masa tu lah ur Mr. Right mkes an entrance ;) Cheer up! i always believe there is always someone for everyone...mana tau time sa kawin...ada tersangkut mana2 ka.....hehehehe

btw, this saturday night or evening a kita main rummy....mo pujuk tu si sikang hahaha.....:P

Remember...i got True Blood whole season 1 and 2...ngeh ngeh ngeh

SiGracy said...

btw, xmas in spore? IKKUUUTTT!!!!:P

Abet said...

hehe..banyak Typo previous comment..

Grace: u believe what u are saying coz u already found the one that u are meant to be with..~~:)

I am begining to lose hope..sedih kan..:}...

And yeeharr.. my motivation p tempat ko.. not because of gambling.. but b'coz of all ur movieeess & serieess...aahhaa~~:)

Singapore..!~~Gale suru naik Grassland Bus.. Laipeng will check flight also.. but sia rasa mahal ni..~~

Erm.. Gale... buli ka tu ramai2.. cam shwu yuan pun mo join o... but u know la how she is..~~:)

Bren said...

alamak.. si Grace punya blog makes me feel guilty and feel like doing that diet again..

Dulu pun sia berabis bah.. sampai sia rajin pi join tu free online weight management program - sparkpeople.com and caloriecount.about.com for the motivation to loose my post pregnancy weight..:P

Hei.. u r doing great! Keep it up.. just don't over do it. And i like the weekend-only-indulgence.. So weekend ja ko masuk blog sia pi cari makan k..hehe

Bren said...

Abet: Think i better introduce to u my bro lah.. hehe.Dia baru2 ni single sudah balik.. Sia kasi match make kamu lah buli ka.. hehe

But maybe he's not ur kinda guy/type.. :P Manatau ko punya taste ada tinggi sikit.. keke.

Grace: U better help to intro some good bachelor to her lar.. :P

SiGracy said...

@bren: ui...ko pun member calori count...me too!! helps me to stay on track....best ni baca success stories derang daily and they have good tips ;)....he he he

@Abet: in a way butul jg la ko cakap.. believe it cos i found my mr right bt mula2 sama kes jg....time mo cari2..suma mr.wrong....bila nda mencari...datang si V-man hahaha....

@bren: bah..ngam tu kasi la kanal ur bro.....klu si abet nemau..kasi kanal si karen la hehehe....

@Bet: bet, jan lose hope...there's always hope...rilek jak bah...u'll find HIM..or he will find YOU...if not later...SOONER..;)

Abet said...

Huiyo.. thanks for all the motivational talk...

Brenda: Wei... ur brother can consider family oready la.. it'll be weird..~ sumore, everytime u talked about him.. he has always been 'just broken up with his gf...' hehe...:)

I think all the good guys suda kena snatch up by people like you& grace... hehe.. no offense..

Grace: Sia rileks suda ni... I'm like swimming duck... I look like i'm cruisin' on the water.. but i'm paddling like mad underneath the surface..~~~

Bren said...

Abet: yea it'll be weird, but not impossible.. hehe just kidding. No lah.. the last time i told u dulu he broke off tu memang from then on lah..till now no partner yet coz his job requires him to travel a lot. So susah wanna settle down.

Grace: Think i'll have to frequent calorie count again.. :P