Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wedding bells..

Grace's wedding was incredibly cool.. :).. for me, it's very original & fun.. the wedding march with all the BFFs dancing as a prelude to the couple's grand entrance...

With Alvin singing in the back ground.. a few people thought that it was from a cd player..~~ kudos to Alvin..:)

The nite was so filled with performances i.e. singing & dancing...I can't really remember what have i eaten... this is a first for me.. coz i normally concerntrate on the dishes served...~~ ehehe...

Ojoy sang duet with Alvin..My Destiney... shy2 ni Ojoy in the begining of the song... but after warmed up a bit... kembang bulu o... Induk & I...

Couz Jenny also sang that nite ..A local singer, Betsy did very well singing Siti Nurhaliza's song.. couldn't remember the title though..~

Khiong & Udin started drinking JD on the rocks... i got some JD from aping but couldn't really stomach it without mixer...

We went to Rumba after the dinner ended... the band there was really good... they performed all the difficult/ new songs i.e. Rihanna's Hatin' in the Club, BEP's Boom boom song & Meet me Halfway from our local band... a few hardcore rock songs too..

A few of us ended the nite/day at Tanjung Aru's Beach...~~ which kinds of brought back memory from my previous trip to Langkawi.. difference is... nobody got pissed drunk that nite and threw up chunks of carrots...~~hehe....~~


Bren said...

I never knew you've got so many kazens who can really sing. If i knew earlier, sudah sia suruh dorang nyanyi during my wed day duuullluu.. hehe

Abby said...

wei.. hinting on me pasal tu carrot ka? btw.. i tot u say khiong drunk? he didn't puke anything out ker?

Abet said...

Brend: My cousin sebelah nenek Dusun punya side yg got a lot of talent...~~:)

Gale: hehe.. masih ingat juga o ko kan..~ :).. khiong drunk.. trus become talkative ni... almost to the point of annoying me..

Yg cute kan.. dia tetau apa mixer..balik2 dia minta coke yg 1 tin RM16... then last2 sia ckp mixer tu coke la... which is free at that place...

SiGracy said...

sa pun baru tau ramai kazen2 sa pandai ngangi hehehehe...:P

Abet said...

sebelah kita pun ada ba pandai menyanyi... malu2 ja semua..~~i.e: ko, ojoy, induk..

Abet said...

Ei.. d Rumba... Meet Me Half Way song is by Black Eyed Peas pula..not local band.. my bad..!~