Saturday, July 17, 2010

Here.. fishy fishy...~~~~

Ok.. i think that my annual leave has been approved for early august & end of august.. told boss that my father will be in town..

'o.. on holiday is it ?'- boss.

' yupe :) '- me.


Courtesy of Office Server Pic

Why la the intended fish didn't fall prey to my bait..?

Another fishy took the hook. Haiya bingung (confused) o now..

I am trying to sharpen up my mad avoiding skills and silent treatment (which i've learned from the best and Karma had previously taught me a lesson on this). There goes my Karma again. 

I hope lunch with Lim will not always have to be with the fishy.

Or else i am gonna involuntarily treat the fishy bad & make work at site worst than it already is for Lim & Soh. I have even considered not going to lunch just to avoid the fishy.

Ask me out a coupla times.

I was a little taken aback when another m&e MainCon actually teased me on why i didn't go out for tea with fishy when fishy asked. Well it's not my fault if fishy wanted to embarrassed himself by talking about it.

But i am not right for fishy, fishy just doesn't know it yet.

('I am not right for him, he just doesn't know it yet'- Dear John Movie (2010))

With Eja can't remember when & where though.. but it's X'mas and we're in a shopping mall (Mid Valley?)


Abby said...

wat fish is that?

Abet said...

The kind of fish that you wouldn't want caught in your net..~~ ehhe...

i have plan B.. go 2 a temple near here & pray to the '7 Sisters' for a miracle with my single colleagues..

It works for ah May..~