Wednesday, January 5, 2011

CK Furious

Something scary happened today.

The day after my birthday. Thick skin as i am, i texted CK telling him that it was my birthday yesterday and why hasn't he wished me yet? So he texted back saying that he's sorry, wished me a happy belated birthday and stay young & pretty always. Next time i come (to site), he'll 'belanja (spend) me makan (eat).

I said i wanted something nice2 (delicious). He said no problem. Sure nice one.

So today, i went to site to submit our monthly claim. While driving over, i was already wondering if he would treat me that promised nice food today- and if he wanted to, how would he/ we blow off the others so that he only treated me the 'nice' food while not feeling obliged to treat all the others as well.

I arrived at site, running a little to get in to our site office trying to avoid being seen by Ah Po (main con). Instead inside was another of our own sub-cond (this guy lost interest in me since i didn't show him any 'signs'). He asked me a few questions on the technical side of our services. While i was busy finding out stuff for him, the door to our site office was opened forcefully and CK came in. Put down his inspection files hard, looked at me & said:-

' Tell Boss I'm resigning.' . I stood there thinking, what happened? But i didn't dare to open my mouth.
' I'm serious. I don't want to do this (work) anymore.'
Me <-- speechless. I basically tried to avoid him & let him cool off. Plus there were a bunch of other people there that were all talking at the same time. Siding with him.

So, I went out- to the bathroom, to submit our claims, to get our commented shop drawings etc as long as i don't have to stand there & watch him all worked up. I don't even dared to get into our office with him sitting there all angry and such. Funny thing was, while i was standing outside & behind our office's front door and Mr. Eagle & Ah Po was talking nonsense to me about CK, i welled up. I turned around trying to hide the tears and managed to hold it in. I really hated to see him so angry at this Baldy.

The routine of CK driving everyone to lunch was also canceled when the electrical sub-cond came by & asked if we were going out. Honestly, i was already hungry while driving over. CK asked Soh & I : 'Aren't u guys going out for lunch?' CK also had an upset stomach. I said ' It's ok, i'll just have my lunch when i get back to our main office.'

I knew that Soh brought lunch with him. So CK & I asked Soh to eat 1st and just ignore me. But Soh's still not eating. And i had to wait after lunchtime so that i can collect the commented drawings from main con. So i have no choice but to wait. There's like another half an our of lunch time left. While i was still seated & drafting a letter about the whole incident that happened this morning, CK suddenly stood up & went to the front door & telling me. ' Come, i'll take you 2 lunch.'

I was still a little scared & asked if he's sure & he said yes since he already promised to treat me lunch. And I offered to drive him instead. Even though he kind of rejected my offer- I took my car keys, purse & hp out. And on the way up to the carpark, he suddenly stopped & said he forgot his car keys in our site office. Told him that i have my car keys & i'll be driving. And he followed me out.



Bren said...

To be continued isit??? :P

Abet said...

Yupe.. huhu... malas sia o..~ today got drama again.. ~